How To Prompt 👑

Better Prompt = Better Results

👋 Happy Wednesday.

If AI is here to stay, in the future we will likely be engaging with an AI even more, and how we ask for what we want will determine the quality of what we get.

In today’s newsletter we’re going to talk about prompting. 👇

🧾 How to Prompt: OpenAI’s Prompt Guide

🧠 Learn: Learn from the Masters (Leaked Prompts)

 Action Item: Write a Better Prompt (with AI)

🧾 How to Prompt (According to OpenAI)

OpenAI released a best practice prompt guide, and I read it… in detail.

My conclusion after reading it is that the OpenAI team doesn’t actually have any in-depth knowledge on prompt engineering.

They are just figuring out how to best use GPT, just like you and I.

There is no hard rules, there are just best practices.

Here are the best practices from OpenAI:

🔍 Be Specific / Clear: Don’t over complicate it, one request at a time.

📖 Provide Sources: Provide books, speakers, resources that it can look into

🔢 Simplify Complex Requests: Ask it to go step by step.

🕒 Explain Thought Process: Ask it to internally analyze the problem and “take a deep breath” before jumping to solutions.

🔧 Utilize Additional Tools: Add your own reference material.

🔄 Continuously Test: As mentioned, no rules, just best practices. Keep testing.

👆 More on Prompting 👇

🧠 Learn from the Masters (LEAKED GPTS)

Leaked Prompts from Custom GPT’s

One problem with ChatGPT custom GPTs is that they are easily tricked into providing the text of their custom instructions. I found this resource online, and it has, word for word, prompts from the top GPTs.

Best Prompts to Learn From:

🔗 Grimoire Prompt - How it uses Hot Keys is Smart

🔗 Briefly Prompt - Such a smart prompt, so short and powerful!

Make Better Prompts (Fast / Free / Easy)

Type Your Prompt → Improve It

I’ve tested so many different prompt improving GPT’s and tools - they aren’t very good.

The one that I always go back to (and it’s free with generous credits) is Prompt Perfect. It’s so easy to use and provides so much value. 👇

  1. Log in - Click Auto Tune

  2. Type your prompt

  3. It will automatically improve the prompt.

  4. Done.

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