OpenAI on level 1 (of 5)

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OpenAI is at level 1 (of 5) on its mission to achieve AGI

What are these AI agents we keep hearing about?

šŸ¤ ChatGPT for contract proof reading

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OpenAI is at level 1 (of 5) on its mission to achieve AGI

OpenAI exists really for one singular reason: to invent artificial general intelligence, which OpenAI has defined as a system that is generally ā€œsmarterā€ than humans. 

Beyond being the driving force for just about every ounce of hype that has proliferated within this industry, AGI would mark a game-changing moment for OpenAI; based on the rather strange structure of the companyā€™s capped for-profit/nonprofit mix, ā€œthe board determines when weā€™ve attained AGIā€¦Such a system is excluded from IP licenses and other commercial terms with Microsoft, which only apply to pre-AGI technology.ā€

At an all-hands meeting last week, OpenAI shared a new set of tiers designed to track its progress toward reaching AGI, Bloomberg reported. 

  • The first tier involves chatbots, the second involves human-level problem solving, nicknamed ā€œreasoners,ā€ the third involves ā€œagents,ā€ the fourth involves AI that can aid in new inventions and the fifth tier involves AI that can ā€œdo the work of an organization.ā€ 

  • OpenAI said it is currently at Level One, but it is on the brink of Level Two. 

The term AGI is not present on this list of tiers. 

The context: As weā€™ve mentioned before, there is no universal scientific definition of AGI, nor is it universally accepted that AGI will ever be possible (some researchers have compared the belief that AGI is on its way to religious ferver). What scientists do know, however, is that large language models are not AGI and likely do not represent a pathway to it, as they are incapable of extrapolating beyond their training data. 

  • A recent paper by Google DeepMind similarly attempted to carve out five levels designed to track AGI progress, and they took a wildly different approach than OpenAI did, categorizing capabilities on a scale of ā€˜emergingā€™ to ā€˜superhuman.ā€™

  • The five tiers, as Bloomberg pointed out, seem quite similar to the five levels of autonomous driving used to describe autonomous capabilities. 

My view: OpenAI is in the business of AI. This company has a tremendous amount of incentive to continue fueling hype around the tech. Hype drives investment, which is good for business. 

These tiers make very clear that OpenAIā€™s focus is on enticing the excitement of the corporate community; its categories are all about business application ā€” if OpenAI turned around tomorrow and said it achieved Level 5, plenty of corporate executives would be thrilled at all the labor costs they could cut. 

But this is all divorced from reality and steeped in problematic ethics. I think these tiers make clear that what OpenAI is interested in is not curing cancer or solving climate change (which are naively simplistic goals, anyway) but instead seeing some return on its investment.  

šŸ¤–Understanding AI Agents

AI agents are AI-driven software designed to perform tasks that typically require human intervention, such as customer service, IT support, and HR functions.

Despite their growing presence, there is no consensus on their precise definition.

This video is a great watch in order to get a true understanding of the possibilities with AI agents šŸ‘‡ļø 

Companies like Google view them as task-specific assistants, while Asana sees them as extra employees handling various tasks. AI agents leverage technologies like natural language processing and machine learning to function autonomously.

However, experts argue that true autonomy and seamless integration across systems remain challenging. The future of AI agents depends on advancements in AI capabilities, infrastructure, and multi-model cooperation.

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ChatGPT use case šŸ¤ 

AI for Contract Proofreading

How It Works:

ChatGPT assists in contract proofreading by analyzing and highlighting key details in legal documents. Users input the contract text, and ChatGPT identifies potential issues, suggests improvements, and ensures compliance with legal standards. It can point out ambiguous language, missing clauses, and inconsistencies, providing a thorough review.

Why Use It:

This tool enhances the proofreading process by ensuring contracts are comprehensive and error-free. Ideal for lawyers, business owners, and contract managers, it boosts productivity by providing expert-level insights and minimizing the risk of costly mistakes.

Prompt Example:

Here is a contract I received for [insert contract purpose]. Please read through it and point out any ambiguous language, missing clauses, and inconsistencies. Ensure the feedback is detailed and the tone is [Professional/Concise] for [Lawyers/Business Owners].

Thank You For Reading!

See you next edition!

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