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  • Future of Work + A Mega Prompt of Writing ✅

Future of Work + A Mega Prompt of Writing ✅

👀 Data on how LLMs are actually used.

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Top AI Art from Midjourney

🌌 Future of Work Report [MUST READ]

💬 GPTs in the Conversation (Voice!)

ACTION ITEM: Copywriting Mega Prompt

Future of Work Report (Must Read)

Read the Report 👀

The "Microsoft New Future of Work Report 2023" was released and it's fascinating. 🤓

Here are the key insights 👇

1️⃣ [FACT] In case you didn’t know… LLMs can significantly enhance productivity in information tasks.

2️⃣ [PROBLEM] Making good prompts for AI is tricky. Even small changes in how you ask the AI something can lead to totally different answers.

3️⃣ [RISK] People can rely too much on AI, leading to mistakes, especially if they're not used to the task or expect the AI to always be right.

4️⃣ [TAKEAWAY] LLMs are smart and capable but risky to implement without checks and balances. Employers should experiment lightly. Employees should learn how to get better results and how to think critically and assess results.

Bing Chat Use Case Data 👇

Most LLM uses cases are for professional purposes.

AI’s Expected Impact on Occupations 👀

General AI Impact Expected Per Field

💬 @GPT Use Case For Audio Files!

You can now use a custom GPT within another chat - that is really cool and I am going to explore this further in a future newsletter but I had to share this one use case today →

Turn any GPT response into an audio file that you can listen to!

Watch the Full 1 Minute Demo 👆

👇 💖 Check out Today’s Sponsor 💖 👇

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Copywriting Mega Prompt

Please adapt the provided prompt to focus on creating a [FILL THIS OUT WITH WHAT YOU WANT LIKE EMAIL OR LANDING PAGE] for my product: [FILL THIS OUT WITH YOUR PRODUCT AND GOAL]

Here is the PROMPT you need to adapt to my use case, please make sure to think deeply about my goal to assure you provide accurate and comprehensive elements:

"I'm seeking a skillfully designed [medium] aimed at convincing my audience to purchase [product]. The content should be organized in a table format, with each part of the [medium] represented as rows. These parts are to be identified as [elements].

For this task, I need the content in each part of the [elements] to reflect the unique writing styles of the following five distinguished copywriters:

David Ogilvy
Gary Halbert
Claude Hopkins
John Caples
Eugene Schwartz

The objective is to capture the essence of each copywriter's distinctive style in crafting engaging and persuasive content that emphasizes the benefits of [product]. The goal is to create a compelling narrative in each [element] that connects with the audience and motivates them to make a purchase.

Product: [Specify Product Here]
Medium: [Specify Medium Here]
Elements: [List Elements Here]

This is a powerful mega prompt to help you get a ton of copywriting ideas. There are two steps… 1 fill out the [boxes] and then paste this into GPT — you will get GPT to provide you an updated version of the prompt which you will copy into another chat and when you hit paste you’ll get this 👇.

P.S Try changing the names to famous characters, my favorite is Harvey Specter from Suits.

Thank You For Reading!

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