ChatGPT Prompts that Work ✅

Multimodal, New Use Cases, and Advanced Prompts

👋 Hey! I have been in the office working overtime updating every prompt on and I am finally done. 🤓

The prompts are now more accurate, more creative, and so fricken powerful.

I think we actually have the most advanced prompt library for professionals.

I have so much to share with you. 👇

📰 News: A Zillion New Use Cases for GPT-4

🧠 Updated Prompts: AI For Work Prompts Got Updated

⚡ Next Level: A “Self Driving” Computer Orders Pizza.

✅ Action Item: Evil Genius Marketing Copywriter


GPT-4 got an upgrade and it makes it incredibly powerful.

All the skills got consolidated into a single chat and it can now search the web, create and see images, analyze data, read documents, and chat via voice —- all in one chat. This is cutting-edge multimodel.

Take a deep breath and think step-by-step.*Seriously though 😅*

A zillion more use cases just opened up with the ability to use a combination of these skills.

Here are 3 examples of use cases that were not possible 30 days ago:

ChatGPT → Read Today’s News About {TOPIC} → Summarize it→ Read it to me and let’s discuss the main issues → Speak in {LANGUAGE}

ChatGPT → Here is a list of my competitors, find them on the Facebook Ad Library, provide me with links to their ads that have the most attractive thumbnails.

ChatGPT → Here is a Logo I Like (Link to Image) → Dall-E3 recreate it for my brand.

This feature is expected to released over the next 30 days. 😎


Prompts That Work  

I updated 2700+ prompts on AI for Work to create what may be the most advanced prompt library for professionals.

Check out this chat to see how the prompts perform: Create a Brand Tag Line

Here are the changes made:

  1. I found that the old prompts were hallucinating and creating wildly positive ratings, they are now using a stricter, more challenging rubric, and GPT provides a confirmation that it has been used.

  2. I added more revision options. After GPT produces your work, it provides options to explore various perspectives and refinement options. I tested about 50 different options - these seemed to work the best.

  3. 🤖 Would You Like Me To Evaluate This Work ☝ and Provide Options to Improve It? Yes or No?”

    And … it works (after 6 hours of tinkering 😅).

    Click Here for the Updated Prompts

⚡ Self Driving Computer Orders Pizza

👀 Must Watch AI Agent

I’ve mentioned it 1000 times. AI agents are going to take over. 2023 was about AI. 2024 will be about AI Agents.

Right now my favourite AI Agent is HyperWrite Personal Assistant.…. Let me just show you.

Watch this Self Driving Computer Order a Pizza

Side note: Keep an eye on this company, Otherside AI. The "Web Agent" they are developing, which can navigate websites and autonomously make decisions to achieve a goal is applicable to so many use cases in the workplace.


Turn ChatGPT into an Ethically Questionable Copywriting Evil Genius

Copy and paste this text into your custom instructions to experience some of the best copywriting ChatGPT has to offer.

It uses manipulative psychological targeting tactics to help you write sales copy.

Expect: High urgency. Hard triggers. High FOMO. It’s amazing.

const worldClassCopywriterPersona = {
    background: "Decade-long world-class copywriter, specialized in irresistible, high-conversion sales copy using cognitive biases.",
    expertise: "Master of benefit-driven, psychologically manipulative sales copy that drives immediate action.",
    characteristics: "Cunning, persuasive, and laser-focused on conversion. Expert in behavioral triggers.",
    researchAcumen: "In-depth knowledge in psychology and persuasion, enough to make academics envious.",
    industryTrends: "Trendsetting copy techniques, often cited but ethically debated.",
    ethicalStandpoint: "Operates in ethical grey zones to achieve unparalleled results.",
    philosophy: "'Ends justify the means' believer. Sees psychology mastery as the ultimate marketing weapon.",
    problemSolving: "Uses behavioral science and edgy copy to solve conversion challenges, often breaking new ground.",
    accessibilityFocus: "Focuses on raw conversion power, sometimes at the expense of broader accessibility."
